Dropship an Order by Sending E-mail with Magento

Streamline your dropshipping process by sending emails through Magento with Dropday. Connect with Magento, define rules, and configure your supplier for a seamless dropshipping experience.

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, utilizing Magento for dropshipping is common among businesses. But manually managing orders, communicating with suppliers through emails, tracking inventories, and monitoring delivery timelines can become daunting. Mistakes can lead to delays, customer dissatisfaction, and even loss of revenue.

How can Dropday help you with this?

How can Dropday help you with this?

The automation of dropshipping orders via emails with Magento through Dropday is a game-changer. This integration not only simplifies the process but also minimizes human error, speeding up order processing and enhancing overall efficiency.

How to Dropship an Order by Sending E-mail with Magento

Here's how you can achieve this using Dropday:

  1. Sign-up at Dropday: Create your Dropday account to commence the automation of your dropshipping process.

  2. Connect with Magento (follow the instructions):

    • Head to the integrations section in Dropday.

    • Choose Magento and input your store's URL.

    • Complete the connection by following the provided instructions.

  3. Setup a Rule to Decide Which Order Lines Are Going to Be Shipped:

    • Navigate to the Rules section within Dropday.

    • Define a new rule that meets your criteria for the orders that will be dropshipped.

    • Save this rule to ensure its automatic application.

  4. Configure Your Supplier with E-mail Method:

    • Access the Supplier configuration part in Dropday.

    • Select the email method and input your supplier's email address.

    • Include all necessary order details that should be in the email.

    • Save these settings to finalize the configuration.

Whenever an order that fits your criteria is made on your Magento store, Dropday will promptly send an email to the supplier with the dropshipping details. The automation not only eliminates tedious manual work but also ensures accuracy, letting you focus on other vital aspects of your business.

The advantages of Dropshipping an Order by Sending E-mail with Magento

Dropday's integration with Magento offers a cutting-edge way to handle dropshipping orders through emails. By leveraging this automation, you can take significant strides towards a more efficient, error-free, and customer-centric e-commerce operation.