Use Order and Product Variables in your email

You can include Order and Product Variables in your email and subject to enrich the mail with more information.

Add a table of products in your email

It is possible to create a table in the email of all the products that have been ordered. You can add multiple variables in this table to enrich it with more information, for example:

To create this list, you need to use the following tag:


Note: you need to replace 'variable1', 'variable2' and 'variable3' with your own variables. You can add more variables. To separate the variables, you need to use a |.

Example of a table with the product reference (SKU), product name and quantity:


List of all possible Product Variables:

external_id → Product ID

ean13 → Product EAN

reference → Product reference or SKU

name → Product name

quantity → Quantity of products ordered

brand → Product brand

category → Product main category

supplier → Product supplier

stock_quantity → Stock quantity at the time of ordering

price → Product price

image_url → Product image url (we show the url as an image)

custom → Custom variable

Add variables in your email message

It is also possible to add Order Variables, such as Customer Name, Customer Address and Order ID in your email, for example:

To add variables in the email, you can use the following tags:

Customer variabels

{order_first_name} → Customer's first name

{order_last_name} → Customer's last name

{order_company_name} → Customer's company name

{order_address1} → Customer's address 1

{order_address2} → Customer's address 2

{order_postcode} → Customer's postcode/zip code

{order_city} → Customer's city

{order_state} → Customer's state

{order_country} → Customer's country

{order_phone} → Customer's phone number

{order_email} → Customer's email address

{order_comment} → Customer's order comment

Order variabels

{order_external_id} → Order ID / Order number

{order_source} → Order source / webshop name

{order_total} → Total order value

{order_shipping_cost} → Total shipping cost

{order_test} → Test order yes (1) or no (0)

Merchant variabels

{merchant_name} → Merchant's full name

{merchant_company_name} → Merchant's company name

Supplier variabels

{supplier_name} → Supplier name

Copy the variables you want to include in your email and copy it in the email editor: